Luxury Lifestyle

Trending Now: The Evil Eye

Every now and then I fall in love with a trend that I just cannot get enough of! Lately, I have been obsessing over the evil eye trend that’s pouring into the world of fashion and interior design.

The evil eye is known to ward off evil and keep you safe from harm. It’s said that the evil eye bead will protect you from jealousy and judgement. This is found in several cultures in the Middle East and Asia. In India, we call the evil eye “Nazar”. I do love the meaning behind this symbol, especially when it warrants keeping your spirit safe from harms way.

Needless to say, fashion and product designers have found a way to take this symbol and reinterpret it into a new fashion and interiors statement.

While searching for some home accessories online over the past weekend the “eye” just kept popping up and I took it as a sign that it is now time to do a blog on it. 😉

From jewelry to home decor, here’s what’s trending now when it comes to the symbol of the “Evil Eye”.

Evil Eye Blog

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Cover Photo Source: Trendland