Luxury Lifestyle

How to Properly Hang Your Drapes

One of the easiest design tricks to make your room appear larger and more luxurious is to properly hang your draperies on your windows. In case, you don’t know the best way to do this, here are tips on how to properly hang drapes:


Photo Source: Contour Interior Design


If you are on the hunt for the perfect set of drapes and don’t know what you are looking for yet, a rule of thumb would be to first measure the height and width of your wall. Secondly, if you are looking for more of an impact while also balancing color in your space, let your drapes match an accent color in your home accessories or rug or another option would be to go neutral with your fabric choice if you have white walls. A nice linen fabric will create a cool and calm aesthetic to the overall ambiance of the space. Textured fabric will also work to create depth to your space. I especially love textured drapes when a room has very warm tones and a layered look.

Drapery Do's and Don'ts

Photo Source: Home Goods


When you are preparing to hang your drapes, you never want to cut shorter than it has to be by putting the rod right above the window. This will cut the height of the wall and make your room feel more closed in. Instead, you can create the illusion of a higher ceilings by bringing the draperies right below the ceiling or below the crown molding.


Photo Source: Bloglovin


As stated before, the key to hanging your draperies properly is to ensure they are being proportionally hung. This doesn’t end with how high you hang them, but also how wide. When you widen the rod you widen the appearance of the window creating a larger impact to the overall space. Check out this photo and view how scale can impact the appearance of the overall wall.


Photo Source: Balwyn House by Fiona Lynch office


You want your draperies to be full and voluminous and cover your entire window without it being stretched too thin. When purchasing drapes make sure you buy 2.5 times fullness of the width of your window for  a more full and voluminous look. This will allow your luxurious look to stay consistent when your drapes are both opened and closed.

I hope these tips will allow you to continue to make your space pop! Share your tips and tricks for hanging drapes in the comments below!
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Cover Photo Source: Elle Decor