Luxury Lifestyle

5 Ways To Make Your Dorm Room Feel Like Home

When it comes to decorating, I think we all know things can become daunting at times. And when that space is as cramped as a dorm room, it gets even trickier. Dorm rooms are probably one of the toughest spaces to transform into a room that feels like your own. Therefore,  here are a few tips on how to make your new space feel like home.


Pick a Color Scheme

This is a key first step. Narrowing it down to maybe two or three colors keeps you from having a room that looks like utter chaos. If you have a roommate, it may be worthwhile to suggest coordinating colors. This doesn’t mean you HAVE to be matchy-matchy and have the exact same things, but by doing this, it will make your room become more visually appealing. Plus, it’s a fun way to get to know the person you’ll be spending a lot of time with:)

Be Picky

Remember: not only is this space small, but you’re also sharing it with another person. It’s important to ask yourself when purchasing anything for your room, “Is this really necessary?” If you can’t automatically think of where to put it or how you’ll use it, you most likely don’t need it. This is also applicable to your wardrobe. I know, I know. This one is tough. But, you can’t bring everything in your closet with you to college. Just think. The fewer old clothes you bring, the more space you’ll have for new ones!



This one is definitely necessary to survive your first semester. It’s important to take advantage of shelving space, under the bed storage, and basically any drawer you have. Keep your closet minimal by separating your clothes into seasonal categories, and only put out the ones that you will be wearing for the next couple months. The more you have tucked away, the bigger your space will feel!

Make it Personal

This is your room, so make it feel that way. You want someone to walk in and immediately feel that this space is warm, inviting, and fun! Putting up photos of friends and family not only keeps you from getting homesick, but lets your new friends see what your life is like at home.


Keep it Tidy

Okay, so now that you and your family have spent hours putting everything into its place, it’s probably only going to stay that way for the first few weeks, and that’s okay. We all have our messy moments (I definitely do). Try to take time every week to tidy up. By staying on top of the daily mess,  it won’t get to the point of no return and you’ll really be able to enjoy your hard work!

Good luck!

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All photos courtesy via Home My Design